Reply to a message

There are three ways to reply to a message in Zulip: by clicking on a message, through the message actions dropdown, or by using keyboard shortcuts.

Reply to a message by clicking on a message

  1. Click on the message you want to reply to.

  2. Upon clicking on a message, the compose box will appear with the Stream and Topic fields autocompleted to match the message you selected.

  3. Type your reply in the Compose your message here... field.

  4. Once you have finished completing your message, you can now send your message to the specified stream under the specified topic by pressing the Enter key or clicking the Send button, depending on your settings.

Reply to a message through the message actions dropdown

  1. Hover over a message to replace the message's timestamp with its message actions, represented by three icons. From the icons that appear, select the down chevron () icon to reveal an actions dropdown.

  2. Select the Reply option from the dropdown to reply to the selected message. A message compose box will appear with the Stream (outlined in red below) and Topic (outlined in green below) fields autofilled to match the message you selected.

  3. Type your reply in the Compose your message here... field.

  4. Once you have finished completing your message, you can now send your message to the specified stream under the specified topic by pressing the Enter key or clicking the Send button, depending on your settings.

Reply to a message by using keyboard shortcuts

  1. While viewing messages in the message table, you will notice a blue highlight around one of the messages on your screen. Change the selected message is highlighted by scrolling through your messages or pressing the arrow, j, or k keys on your keyboard.

  2. Once you the message you want to reply to is highlighted, press the r key on your keyboard.

  3. Upon pressing the r key, the compose box will appear with the Stream and Topic fields autocompleted to match the message you selected.

  4. Type your reply in the Compose your message here... field.

  5. Once you have finished completing your message, you can now send your message to the specified stream under the specified topic by pressing the Enter key or clicking the Send button, depending on your settings.

You can always cancel your message by clicking the x () icon located at the top right corner of your compose box or pressing the Esc key.