Allow anyone to join without an invitation

Note: This feature can only be controlled by organization administrators.

By default, new users can join a Zulip organization with or without an email invitation.

However, if you are an organization administrator that wants to limit the membership of your organization, you can choose to limit new members to those with email invitations.

Limiting new membership to users invited by organization members

  1. Go to the Organization permissions tab of the Manage organization page.

  2. Locate the Users need an invitation to join checkbox under the Joining the organization section.

    To limit new members of your organization to those who have been invited to do so, click the Users need an invitation to join checkbox.

    New users will now require an email invitation sent by a user in your Zulip organization to join your organization.

    • If you wish to further limit new membership to your organization, you can only allow administrators in your organization to send email invitations to new users.
  3. Click on the Save changes button to save any changes you made to your organization settings.